Saturday, November 12, 2011


Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., H.M.C.
Copyright 2011 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.


One of the simplest yet most effective ways to contribute significantly to the process of cleansing and repairing the gastrointestinal tract is the daily drinking of 3 cups of cool, pure water on an empty stomach each morning upon arising.

Cool does not mean cold water and certainly not ice water. Excessively cold or ice water shocks and suspends stomach activity whereas moderately cool water (usually room-temperature water is sufficiently cool) stimulates and promotes it.  The cool water should be taken at a slow-to-moderate pace over the course of about 5 to 10 minutes, and not administered in one continuous chain of swallows.

Why Cool Water Is Superior To Warm Water Upon Arising

Why not warm water upon arising?  Warm water drunk freely upon arising will, like cool water, dilute the acid residues that result from the fermentation of foods in the stomach, diffuse bacteria from the stomach lining and produce a mild osmotic draining of the blood vessels of the stomach.

However, warm water does not exert a stimulating effect upon the muscular activity, nor the mucous membranes (i.e., the lining) of the stomach.  Therefore, if water is taken first thing in the morning as a therapeutic measure, it should always be accompanied by a vigorous self-massage of the abdominal organs to secure the stimulation that warm water fails to supply. But let’s face it: in this modern, fast-paced era, no one will usually take the time to do that.

Due to its lack of stimulating power to the muscular layers of the digestive canal, the tonic, or strengthening, effect of warm water is far inferior to that of cool water. Warm water relaxes the muscles of the stomach, and in some cases can produce nausea, especially if the effect of quantity is added to that of temperature.  Lukewarm water excites upward peristalsis of the intestines, which is why it is often used as an emetic (inducing vomiting). These days one of the primary digestive complaints that adults report is gastro-esophageal reflux disorder (GERD), which is clearly a manifestation of a tendency toward reverse peristalsis.

The concentrated introduction of 3 cups (24 oz.) of cool water into the stomach upon arising is directly stimulating to the nerves found within the stomach lining. Not only is the activity of the stomach muscles incited, but, as a reflex reaction, the body, seeking to distribute this cool fluid over a greater area so as to moderate sudden stimulation, will rapidly expel it into the small intestine, thus effecting a cleansing of the stomach.

Also, in reaction to the perception of coolness, the body rushes warming blood to the stomach’s mucosal lining, which then becomes suffused with blood, resulting in dilation of its pores. Similar to stimulating perspiration in order to achieve a thorough cleansing of the skin and its blood supply, the drawing of blood to the stomach’s mucous membrane (and the subsequent dilation of its pores) affords increased opportunity for sanitizing the stomach of the food residues and microorganisms that encourage gastrointestinal derangement and the development of disease.

Laxative Effect Of The Morning Cool-Water G.I. Tract Reviver

Cool, pure water taken on an empty stomach upon arising exerts a mild laxative action.  Water taken at this time can move relatively unimpeded (due to absence of a large mass of semi-digested food) all the way to the descending colon (i.e., left side of the colon; the rectum is the lowest portion of the descending colon) and, through its presence there, stimulate colon activity.

Be sure to delay eating after drinking the cool water. Ideally, you should allow 45 minutes to an hour for the water to do its work. If food is ingested before the water leaves the stomach and makes its way down through the intestines, much of the therapeutic effect of this procedure won’t have time or the proper conditions to develop.  On the other hand, if the cool water is not obstructed by the soon introduction of food and the subsequent firing up of the digestive processes, it can freely course through the entire digestive canal, not only cleansing the stomach and intestines, but also exerting a soothing anti-inflammatory effect upon the gastrointestinal lining.

Note: In the interest of time, one could have ready a container of cool (room-temperature) water at the bedside, and drink it upon awakening.

A Simple Way To Begin Healing The G.I. Tract

One of the most basic and efficient measures for helping to ameliorate chronic constipation and inflammation of the stomach and intestines is this simple Morning Cool-Water G.I. Tract Reviver. This invaluable technique may also prove of good service in cases of chronic indigestion due to atony (lack of tone and strength) of the muscles of the stomach and intestines. Cool water stimulates and tones the muscles, nerves and blood vessels of the entire digestive canal.

For those who are not troubled by any noticeable digestive problem or constipation (2 to 3 easy, full bowel movements per day is the goal), the Morning Cool-Water G.I. Tract Reviver is still an important permanent feature of the health-conscious individual’s morning routine since its cleansing, soothing and strengthening effects can help to maintain optimal functioning of the digestive system over the long term.

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Friday, November 11, 2011


Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., H.M.C.
Copyright 2011 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.


Ultimately, death is the result of affected organs (such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.) that decline to the point where they can no longer absorb and utilize vital force. In the late 19th century and early to mid-20th century, practitioners of naturopathy referred to depletion of vital force below the level of functional bodily efficiency as enervation, because they thought the nerves were the pathways for vital force. In fact, the nerves, the acupuncture channels and the blood are all conduits of vital force.

Enervation is one of the two foundation stones of disease. The other isautotoxemia, meaning a build-up of toxins in the body beyond the body’s threshold of tolerance. Enervation, or deficient chi, is announced by such symptoms asfatigue, lack of stamina, circulatory weakness, immunological weakness, chilliness, digestive weakness, occasional dizziness, memory weakness, emotional weakness, shallow breathing, urinary weakness and sexual weakness.

As we can see, the ramifications of compromised digestion go far beyond being annoyed by symptoms such as chronic gastric reflux, bloating and constipation. The vitality of every mental and physical process depends upon digestive efficiency. The less efficient our digestion, the lower the flame of life burns within us.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., H.M.C.
Copyright 2011 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.

Digestion and Vital Force

Clearly, it is important to understand how the body acquires vital force. The body is not imbued with a fixed quantity of perpetually recirculating vital force. Instead, all the mental and physical processes are constantly depleting vital force, and so, the organism needs to replenish its quotient of this energy on a continuous basis.

How does the body replenish its circulating level of vital force? It does so primarily through breathing and the digestion of food.

Vital force is a natural energy that is acquired by human beings and all living things via extraction from the air and liberation of the vital force stored within natural foods. When food plants, fish, poultry, etc. breathe and nourish themselves, they too absorb vital force.

Thus, when we eat a bowl of brown rice, a large raw salad or grilled wild salmon our digestive organs must be able to efficiently digest that food so that the vital force stored within it can be liberated for use by the body.

When the digestive system becomes compromised, a vicious cycle of deterioration is set in motion. In this reference, if your vital force is low, your digestive function will not have sufficient power to properly break down your food. Lacking robust digestion, your body will not be able to maintain its requisite level of vital force.

Not only do the majority of modern people suffer with some degree of digestive weakness, but, to make matters worse, due to persistent emotional stress, obesity, poor posture and sedentary behavior, they also don’t breathe completely anymore. Breathing more shallowly and rapidly means they are using only a portion of their lung capacity, thus most people cannot rely upon respiration to compensate for the shortfall of vital force ensuing from digestive inefficiency. This too sets a vicious cycle in motion wherein progressively less circulating vital force weakens the entire breathing mechanism, resulting in even shallower breathing and deficient cellular oxygenation.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., H.M.C.
Copyright 2011 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.

Vital Force or Chi

It is important to note that all the functions of the body are wholly dependent upon the operations of vital force, or chi. The scientific term vitalism refers to the concept that the functions of a living organism are animated by a non-physical vital force that is distinct from all biochemical processes, including the energy produced via metabolism. A doctrine of most traditional healing practices, including traditional naturopathy and Chinese medicine, is that disease largely results from a deficiency or imbalance in this vital energy.
“Aliveness” derives from the presence of a high-vibratory, vital energy within the organism that sustains life, in part by driving the biological processes of every cell. Vital force, or chi, has its own movement and activates the movement of things other than itself. All physical and mental activities are manifestations of vital force, which vary in accordance with the structure and function of the different tissues.

Vital force is not synonymous with the metabolically generated energy derived from the oxidation of glucose. Rather, it is the force animating the metabolic processes that ultimately yield caloric energy. Vital force differentiates life from death. When alive, every part of the body is supported by vital force. A corpse can be thought of as a body without vital force. To maintain health, there should neither be an excess nor a deficiency of vital force, either of which leads to illness.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., H.M.C.
Copyright 2011 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.

Due to modern man’s propensity for eating highly challenging foods in improper combination—many times while under a great deal of emotional stress—the human gastrointestinal tract is most often the primary site of physical derangement. Constipation, colitis, diverticulitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, chronic indigestion, gastric reflux, food sensitivities and related disturbances are so common that they now threaten to gain acceptance as a normal and inevitable occurrence of adult life.
Debilitated gastrointestinal function is one of the most important predisposing factors in mental and physical deterioration, and the subsequent development of chronic disease.  If we are to regain or maintain vigorous health, it is essential that the workings and environment of the digestive canal and its associated organs be maintained or restored to optimal efficiency.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Multiple Sclerosis

Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Multiple Sclerosis

MS, Multiple Sclerosis effects more people than you know and what the doctors weren’t taught in medical school that can help a person with MS can almost be mind boggling. From the obscure such as bee venom to acupuncture all the way to vitamins and minerals there are a whole list of alternative medicine for Multiple Sclerosis

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Have You Considered The Benefits of Alternative Medicine?

Have You Considered The Benefits of Alternative Medicine?

Have You Considered The Benefits of Alternative Medicine? Usually going about your normal busy day, how to handle a pain situation such as arthritis or pain caused by stress, are normally not very high on your priorities until you begin to feel the stress and strain of life as it starts to take it’s toll on you. In the case of pain showing up often the cause of it has long been pasted and we have a tendency to blame it on whatever is happening in our life at present.
However the pain was created, some of the benefits of alternative medicine is addressing the causes at the energy level verses allopathic medicine address it at the symptom level. Zahari Ibrahim discussed one form of alternative medicine therapy that he uses at….

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hypnosis For Surgery

Hypnosis For Surgery is possible one of the most under ultilized alternative medicine therapy. Hypnosis has the potential and the ability to shorten the surgical procedure and also greatly reduce and eliminate and pain after the surgery and to shorten the recovery time of a patient.
Hypnosis has been offered for certain types of surgery at the Belgian hospital, Cliniques Universitaires St. Luc in Brussels, since 2003.Hypnosis has been offered for certain types of surgery at the Belgian hospital, Cliniques Universitaires St. Luc in Brussels, since 2003.
Hundreds of patients have chosen it over general anesthesia.According to the AP, more than 8,000 surgeries have been performed at another Belgian hospital with hypnosis. The technique has become popular in France and Belgium in recent years and some plastic and facial surgeons in Germany also use hypnosis, as well as some British dental surgeons.
During surgery, patients are sedated but aware and doctors say recovery time is faster and the need for painkillers is reduced.The AP reports that doctors say nearly any surgery usually done with a local anesthetic could work with hypnosis and less pain medicine.
There are plenty of believers in hypnosis who say it dulls a patients’ sense of pain and cuts down on the need for anesthetic.In the end, it leads to faster recoveries and monetary savings on the part of hospitals.
However, hypnosis may require doctors to spend more time with patients beforehand to do the hypnosis and they may need more careful monitoring during surgery.
With its growing popularity, the French Society of Anesthesiologists created a special hypnosis branch in their organization last year.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Serve Back Pain Relief IS Possible

Serve back pain relief is possible. If you are one of the people who suffer from lower back pain you probably already know the causes of your lower back pain. may have listed some ways that you are not aware of.
Low back pain is widespread, it is estimated that over 80% of us suffer from such … But before we can provide the best treatment for the symptoms, it helps to examine the causes
There are a number of lower back pain caused by people:
1st The Sacro-Illiac joint, the spinal cord connects to the pelvis is often the subject of abuse or mistreatment by improper lifting and movement. When this joint is irritated, it can cause severe pain in my lower back.
2nd The low back is often the victim of bad posture and bad posture for long periods often causes pain in the lower back area.
3 Sitting for a long time (as in our desks), the joints of the lower back become tired, and tightening the muscles that support the spinal cord and can cause back pain.
4 Even sleeping in the wrong position can cause lower back pain.
If you suffer from lower back pain symptoms and inflammation – and not any serious underlying disease such as cancer, slipped discs, bulging discs, osteoporosis, sclerosis, scoliosis, vertebrae damage or other serious conditions of the .. . Treatments are fairly simple and can be very effective.
Now these are some of the causes of lower back pain and then the article takes about prevention a little bit and then here is a little exercise that works wonders…
Surprisingly, you play your abdominal muscles play a greater role as one of the causes of low back pain than most of us realize. So … to the lower back pain …
exercises, you must also make efforts to strengthen the abdominal muscles, these muscles are what keep your posture straight to the front. You have your whole core of the work and to strengthen all your core muscles to ensure that you have a good attitude and a strong upper body.
have a simple set of exercises back pain in 10 or 15 minutes per day just by out your back more than you might think stress. There are many exercises you can do to contribute to this, can the lower back and core muscles:
Lift one leg – Hold the leg in front of you slowly for 10 seconds before lowering and put it on the ground . Lift the other leg and repeat the hold for 10 seconds. Do this five times on each leg, this exercise will strengthen your lower back, abdominal and thigh muscles. 
Put your hands bent and feet flat on the floor with your hands directly under shoulders and knees in a 90 degree angle. Lift your buttocks off the floor and hold your body very still in the form of a table. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then slowly lower your buttocks to the floor. Repeat 3-5 times. Move slowly, not abruptly. 
Place your back against the wall and place the legs a few feet in front of the wall. Slowly descend until the legs are at a 90 degree angle and you are against the wall to keep pushing your body weight. Hold 5 to 10 seconds, then lift again and repeat 5 times.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Massage Your Way to Health

Massage, Immune System, Lymphocytes, AVP If you love the feeling of a great massage, you’ve got the green light to indulge for your health’s sake.  Swedish massage has recently been shown to improve immunity — just minutes after the very first session.
In a study from the Cedars-Sinai Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences in Los Angeles, the lucky participants received 45 minutes of traditional Swedish massage.  Blood samples were taken both before and after the massage and demonstrated a clear improvement in several factors that measure immune response and overall health, including: boosting lymphocytes, lowering cytokine levels, and reducing hormones associated with stress.
Lymphocytes, the white blood cells that help defend your body from illness, are divided into three categories: B cells, T cells, and Natural Killer (NK) cells.  The B cells produce antibodies that fight bacteria and toxins throughout the body.  The T cells are responsible for attacking the cells of the body that have been infected by viruses or malignancies. And NK cells play a major role in the rejection of tumors and cells and cells infected by viruses. They kill invaders by releasing small cytoplasmic granules of proteins that literally reprogram the target cells to self-destruct. Quite simply, gentle massage caused a measurable increase in the number of circulating lymphocytes, thus increasing the body’s immune function. In addition, massage produced positive changes in cytokine levels — lowering those that stimulate an inflammation response.
Massage was also shown to reduce Arginine Vasopressin (AVP), a hormone that controls the retention and release of water through the kidneys.  When present in large amounts, AVP can elevate blood pressure and has been linked with aggression.
Another hormone demonstrated to be affected by massage in the study was cortisol.  Released by the adrenal gland, cortisol gives you that "adrenaline rush" you experience at stressful moments.  Useful as an occasional stimulant to provide the body with extra "resources" in times of danger or great stress, cortisol can be deadly when released into the body continuously by the day to day stresses of modern living. Excess cortisol can lead to adrenal fatigue, high blood pressure, insomnia, poor immune function, and weight gain — particularly an increase in abdominal fat. It is also implicated as a contributing factor in fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and arthritis. Since cortisol levels tend to be highest in the morning, that might be a good time of day to schedule your massage appointment.
This is hardly the first research to appear showing the beneficial aspects of massage on health.  Numerous studies through the years have determined that massage can aid in stress relief, lessen anxiety and depression, decrease pain, alleviate stiffness, manage blood pressure, improve sports-related injuries, and possibly even contribute to the effectiveness of cancer treatments, among other things.
According to studies performed at the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami, massage doesn’t even need to occur in the part of the body in which a particular pain is located.  Even concentrating the touch elsewhere will release enough powerful chemicals to reduce pain in other areas.
Although Western medicine has only recently begun to acknowledge the advantages massage can bring about, massage dates back to ancient civilizations and has been mentioned in writings by the Romans, Greeks, and many Asian cultures.  Chinese medical practitioners, for example, have been employing massage to correct imbalances and restore overall health for hundreds of years.
Let’s face it, even if massage hadn’t been proven to bestow health benefits we would all want one anyway because it just feels so good!  Taking an hour out from our busy lives to lay back in a darkened room, listen to soft music, and feel the tension literally being kneaded out of our bodies is stress relief at its finest. There is something to be said for spending a little time doing something nice just for you every now and then.  And now that research has proven the health benefits of a single 45-minute session, imagine how great and long lasting the health benefits can be if we all opted to have massages more regularly. Getting a massage should not be considered an extravagance at all.  With no downside and plenty of positive factors in its favor, massage should become another tool in our arsenal of health care.  Lie back, relax, and enjoy every minute of it!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Designed for You: The Blood Type Diet Part 1 of 5

In 1996 the Blood Type Diet made is debut in a book by Peter J. D’Adamo, ND, Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution for Staying Healthy: Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight (Putman, 1996). Fourteen years after the fact it’s still one of the best-selling diet books on But does it work?

This is the story of Mr. Khyber Oser before, and after the Blood Type Diet. Vegetarian was a way of life for him and when he got older he turned vegan in college, cutting out eggs and dairy to subsist on grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and fresh produce. Even though his heart and mind felt great, his body didn’t. There were issues like the hand rash and debilitating hip pain on top of an array of other chronic problems, like his congestion, dry skin, and dandruff. He couldn’t sleep at night because of the persistent itching of the little pimples that kept coming up between his fingers and that debilitating hip.

So he began his medical journey. There were the two dermatologist who briskly diagnosed contact dermatitis and prescribed a steroid cream. He didn’t catch all the terms or the put a band aid on it solutions; instead he wanted to find out why he was “jumping out of his skin.”

The next stop was a naturopath who hold him he had candida, an overgrowth of fungus in the intestines, and advised him to avoid sugary, yeasty, pickled, and fermented foods. He soon gave up on that regimen because after he had sensitized his body, a slice of cake made him violently ill.

At last he went to Gina T. Ogorzaly, DC, a chiropractor and co-founder of the Diamondback Wellness Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. That first visit was when she asked him his blood type and he replied “O positive, why do you ask?”

She searched through her file cabinet and handed him O specific eating charts that broke down foods into three categories: highly beneficial, neutral, and foods to avoid. She told him to restrict himself to red meat and vegetables as much as possible and stay away from grains, especially wheat. She said, “You’re Type O. You’re a hunter.” He was stunned at the fact that he was predestined to be an obligatory meat eater something that he had tried all his life to avoid but he wanted to heal his aching body. So he started working on eating like a Type O, a hunter.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How Hot Peppers Help Your Health

Capsaicin, the compound responsible for chilies’ heat and spice, has been credited with a host of health advantages, from killing cancerous cells to lowering blood pressure, preventing obesity and reducing the risk of diabetes.

When you eat capsaicin, it binds to pain receptors in the mouth, causing the brain to send endorphins to alleviate the burning. Endorphins trigger the blood vessels to dilate, that’s what causes your face to turn red after eating hot peppers and why peppers may also help reduce blood pressure, says new research from Japan. Because endorphins have a feel-good effect, people can become addicted to foods that contain capsaicin.

Capsaicin is also powerful as an anti-inflammatory agent and anticoagulant, so it may help decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke. There are cultures who have diets rich in capsaicin, like those of Thailand and India, who have a lower incidence of heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary embolisms.
Being heart-healthy, capsaicin may also help ward off cancer. There is research conducted earlier in 2010 that found that capsaicin extract killed the mitochondria in cancerous cells without hurting healthy cells. The studies showed that capsaicin inhibits the proliferation of cancerous cells in the lungs, pancreas, and prostate.
Capsaicin is believed to worsen some certain gastrointestinal ailments, such as heartburn, the ancient Mayans incorporated chilies into medicinal remedies for stomach problems.

Researchers believe capsaicin extract may impede disease-causing microbes in the gut. There is a word of caution though: While chilies don’t necessarily cause digestive disorders, researchers are still not sure whether hot peppers harm those with ulcers, heartburn, and other preexisting stomach problems.

Much of the latest research has focused on capsaicin’s ability to stimulate metabolism, prevent weight gain, and help reduce the risk of diabetes. When you eat chilies they boost the body’s heat production, therefore increasing metabolism, you may burn up to an additional 75 calories per meal when eating foods that contain hot chilies, says Yvonne Nienstadt, nutrition director at the Rancho La Puerta Fitness Report and Spa in Tecate, Mexico. In a 2007 study conducted in Taiwan, found that capsaicin also inhibits the growth of fat cells in mice; scientist are hopeful that more research will confirm the compound as a fat-fighting additive. Capsaicin may also prove beneficial to those with diabetes, suggests a study done in 2009 published in “Obesity.”

Remember: The spicier the pepper, the more capsaicin it contains, so for the biggest health kick, reach for the hottest chili you can stand.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Resources and Home Options for Hair Dye Part 3 of 3

For Henna, your at home option is: Lush Caca Hair Henna, it sells for $20 at It comes in four colors, from reddish-brown to a dark burgundy. Cocoa butter, rosemary, and clove essential oils soften henna’s earthy smell

For covering the gray that’s popped up on your head, your at home option is: Aubrey Organics Color Me Natural. You can use this product if less than 20% of your hair is gray. It cost $12 and can be found at and comes in dark brown or mahogany.

For more coverage you should try Light Mountain Color the Gray at $22. It can be found at It uses a two-step process that coats the hair first to help color adhere to it.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lighten Your Hair Instead of Dyeing

The old standbys like lemon juice and chamomile tea can lighten your natural color but won't turn your brown hair to blond. It takes time, but they will lighten it. You can use straight lemon juice or dilute it with one part water to three parts juice, or steep one part teat to two parts water for at least 20 minutes. You can put it in a spray bottle, and spritz it onto dry hair in the mornings and let the sunlight speed up the process. Results can take a few days or even weeks, but you have to be patient and persistent. Your lighter shad will last until your hair starts to grow out.

Lightening your hair significantly takes chemicals that strip the pigment so you may want to consider highlights instead of dyeing your hair completely. Less dye will come into contact with your scalp, besides, the chemicals can cause irritation and even leech into your bloodstream and create more complications for you.
There was a study done that found women who regularly use hair dye have twice the risk of bladder cancer.

If you like your red hair, then you’re in luck because Henna, a tropical plant and the only 100% natural hair dye available, will give you a bold auburn or reddish-brown color. But be aware that there are other products that claim to promise other hues, they’re not for real. Any other color of henna has been modified with metallic salts which coat and damage your hair. If you do use henna made from the metallic salts, then be aware that it can mix with the ammonia of of other dyes and it’ll give you an array of unwanted colors, like seaweed green. So if you want blond hair then Henna isn’t what you want, but if you want to WOW up your dark hair then it’s just what the doctor ordered.

If you’re looking for something to cover the gray that’s popped up, then you may have quite a challenge. First of all, gray hair has no natural melanin, and a heavy saturation of dye is needed to make the color look as natural as it possibly can. Second, there are some stylist who say that gray hairs’ cuticles are tougher or more “slippery” than those of brown, blond, or red hairs, so dye doesn’t stick to the shafts of gray hair as well.

If your not sure about quitting the dye and letting your roots show or your natural color is darker or grayer then what you have now, then maybe you should try getting what is called lowlight. It breaks up any harsh lines between colors by dyeing some strands of hair darker. Lowlights can also work best for pregnant women or others who don’t want to give up the coloring scene all together but want protection from the dangers of dyeing your hair. With lowlights there’s no dye chemical that comes in contact with the scalp or skin. There is help out there for those who aren’t ready to take the plunge into ammonia free hair dye, you can go to Bye Bye Hair Dye on Facebook and meet others who have gone natural and posted pictures documenting the process. That way you can see that it can be done.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hair Dyes: Are There Safer Options That Work?

There are some experts who estimate that 75% of women over 40 color their hair, which means that they are in consistent contact with the harsh irritants and carcinogens, like ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and coal tar.

Women who want to disguise their exposed roots and cover that grey aren't the only ones who frequent salons and buy at home coloring kits.  Girls are starting to get their hair done at 10 or 11 instead of at 16 and 17.  They're being exposed to hazardous chemicals during or right before puberty, setting themselves up for a lifetime of exposure to these harmful chemicals.  There's no government mandated minimum age to keep these young consumers from getting these potentially harmful chemicals put on their hair.

Why do hair dyes still abound with toxins while safe, natural cosmetics and skincare options are now widespread?  Because the process of permanently changing your hair color requires major chemical power.  Here's an example of what happens to your hair when you want to lighten it so that the color doesn't wash out.  The outer layer of hair, the cuticle, must be opened in order to strip the current shade and let the new color set up.  This takes an alkaline chemical, usually ammonia, to open the hair shaft, and another ingredient, like hydrogen peroxide, to strip your hair's natural melanin, or pigment.  This interference breaks down the hair's structure; in fact, part of the dye's familiar smell is actually sulfur released from damaged hair.  Dye then is deposited in the hair shaft, which is often harsh as well, and is formulated with a load of chemicals to ensure the exact color desired.

The variety of super strong chemicals in hair coloring can trigger a number of negative reactions, especially for those who handle it every day.  One hair owner of a Beverly Hills salon suffered from ammonia poisoning from years of working with dye.  After she overcame rashes, eye infections, and chronic bronchitis, she developed an ammonia free dye that she now uses in her salon.

It's up to the hair dye companies to make safer alternatives and they need to be more aggressive about it.  While mainstream manufacturers may be far from developing really safe methods, healthier options do exist, and in case you are wondering, they do work.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

An Alternative Way of Removing Earwax

Earwax is considered dirty, but the ugly yellowish gunk actually serves to protect your ear canal by capturing dust and other irritants that could potentially get into the eardrums. Did you know that the natural movement of your jaw moves the wax up and out before it gets excessive? So there’s no need to get out that Q-Tip and swab! Unfortunately, there are certain actions, like wearing hearing aids or earplugs or going on a liquid diet that doesn’t require chewing, and can interfere with the natural removal of wax and can cause it to go a muck and consequently making it difficult to hear. So, you may need an occasional clean-out.

  • DON’T use ear candles.  These can create a vacuum that suctions out melted wax, but they can also cause wax to drop deeper into your ear.
  • DON’T use cotton swabs.  They can injure your eardrum and canal and push the wax down to your eardrum.
  • DO use a baking soda solution.  Mix 1/2 teaspoon baking soda and 2 oz. warm water. Lie on your side and with an ear syringe, slowly pour the solution into your ear canal until it’s full. Lie still for 30 minutes, or for as long as possible, then rinse with warm, distilled water, and gently pull your ear up and out to straighten the canal. Then tilt your head to drain any remaining fluid out of your ear. Repeat this for the other ear. If the was buildup persists do this daily for up to five days. If you have a history of ear infections or a ruptured eardrum or even earaches, you will want to discuss this procedure with your doctor

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Give Your Immune System A Boost With Chinese Herbs

To enhance your immune system and to prevent illness, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners believe in strengthening the defensive qi (chee), what they call the life force that protects the body against invasive pathogens that can make you sick. They can do this through a combination of acupuncture, herbs, and dietary and lifestyle changes. You can start by consulting a trained practitioner and Chinese herbalist, who will be able to design a plan to your particular pattern of energetic disharmony.

To cultivate defensive qi, you will need to nurture and preserve the energetic health of your organ systems. According to TCM, the spleen organ system plays an especially important role in preventing illness because it transforms energy derived from food and drink into three substances: qi, blood, and body fluids, and then transports those substances to other organs so they can do their jobs. The spleen raises qi (chee) up to the lungs, which then circulates the defensive qi (chee). A weak spleen qi (chee) will make for a weak lung qi. Acupuncturists use points on the spleen, stomach, lung, and urinary bladder meridians to strengthen the qi(chee). While Chinese herbalists treat each patient individually, the formulas they use almost always combine several herbs, one of which is astragalus root. This herb helps boost your immunity by strengthening the spleen and lungs. You can boil astragalus root and drink the tea two times a day; take a tincture; or drink a mixture of warm water and a concentrated powder of the herb (12 to 24 grams of astragalus divided into doses taken two times a day).

To strengthen the spleen qi (chee) through diet, you should avoid eating too many raw fruits and vegetables or their juices. The spleen hates cold and dampness. Instead, eat steamed or sauteed vegetables, soups and whole grains. You should also avoid refined white grains and sugar as well as fried or oily foods. Be sure to limit your intake of cow’s milk (cheese and ice cream, too) and raw or cold foods. Drink beverages served at room temperature, warm, or hot. Also, eat food and drink alcohol in moderation. Avoid eating while you are upset or anxious, because strong emotions can damage the qi (chee). Don’t skip meals, remember that food gives you energy that is needed to make the qi (chee) that protects our bodies from germs.

Anxiety can also weaken your spleen qi (chee), so it is a good idea to find the time to relax: go for a walk in the park, take a long bath, or meditate; take breaks at work; create and use a support system of friends and family members to help you through stressful times.

When you add these techniques to your everyday life, you will strengthen your qi (chee) and your immune system. Exercise can keep you fit and healthy and if you have arthritis, it keeps your joints and muscles strong, your bones and joint tissues healthy, and gives you more energy to keep you active.