Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Give Your Immune System A Boost With Chinese Herbs

To enhance your immune system and to prevent illness, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners believe in strengthening the defensive qi (chee), what they call the life force that protects the body against invasive pathogens that can make you sick. They can do this through a combination of acupuncture, herbs, and dietary and lifestyle changes. You can start by consulting a trained practitioner and Chinese herbalist, who will be able to design a plan to your particular pattern of energetic disharmony.

To cultivate defensive qi, you will need to nurture and preserve the energetic health of your organ systems. According to TCM, the spleen organ system plays an especially important role in preventing illness because it transforms energy derived from food and drink into three substances: qi, blood, and body fluids, and then transports those substances to other organs so they can do their jobs. The spleen raises qi (chee) up to the lungs, which then circulates the defensive qi (chee). A weak spleen qi (chee) will make for a weak lung qi. Acupuncturists use points on the spleen, stomach, lung, and urinary bladder meridians to strengthen the qi(chee). While Chinese herbalists treat each patient individually, the formulas they use almost always combine several herbs, one of which is astragalus root. This herb helps boost your immunity by strengthening the spleen and lungs. You can boil astragalus root and drink the tea two times a day; take a tincture; or drink a mixture of warm water and a concentrated powder of the herb (12 to 24 grams of astragalus divided into doses taken two times a day).

To strengthen the spleen qi (chee) through diet, you should avoid eating too many raw fruits and vegetables or their juices. The spleen hates cold and dampness. Instead, eat steamed or sauteed vegetables, soups and whole grains. You should also avoid refined white grains and sugar as well as fried or oily foods. Be sure to limit your intake of cow’s milk (cheese and ice cream, too) and raw or cold foods. Drink beverages served at room temperature, warm, or hot. Also, eat food and drink alcohol in moderation. Avoid eating while you are upset or anxious, because strong emotions can damage the qi (chee). Don’t skip meals, remember that food gives you energy that is needed to make the qi (chee) that protects our bodies from germs.

Anxiety can also weaken your spleen qi (chee), so it is a good idea to find the time to relax: go for a walk in the park, take a long bath, or meditate; take breaks at work; create and use a support system of friends and family members to help you through stressful times.

When you add these techniques to your everyday life, you will strengthen your qi (chee) and your immune system. Exercise can keep you fit and healthy and if you have arthritis, it keeps your joints and muscles strong, your bones and joint tissues healthy, and gives you more energy to keep you active.

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