Thursday, July 14, 2011

An Alternative Way of Removing Earwax

Earwax is considered dirty, but the ugly yellowish gunk actually serves to protect your ear canal by capturing dust and other irritants that could potentially get into the eardrums. Did you know that the natural movement of your jaw moves the wax up and out before it gets excessive? So there’s no need to get out that Q-Tip and swab! Unfortunately, there are certain actions, like wearing hearing aids or earplugs or going on a liquid diet that doesn’t require chewing, and can interfere with the natural removal of wax and can cause it to go a muck and consequently making it difficult to hear. So, you may need an occasional clean-out.

  • DON’T use ear candles.  These can create a vacuum that suctions out melted wax, but they can also cause wax to drop deeper into your ear.
  • DON’T use cotton swabs.  They can injure your eardrum and canal and push the wax down to your eardrum.
  • DO use a baking soda solution.  Mix 1/2 teaspoon baking soda and 2 oz. warm water. Lie on your side and with an ear syringe, slowly pour the solution into your ear canal until it’s full. Lie still for 30 minutes, or for as long as possible, then rinse with warm, distilled water, and gently pull your ear up and out to straighten the canal. Then tilt your head to drain any remaining fluid out of your ear. Repeat this for the other ear. If the was buildup persists do this daily for up to five days. If you have a history of ear infections or a ruptured eardrum or even earaches, you will want to discuss this procedure with your doctor

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